WHATS of Ansible.

Satish Chhatpar
1 min readAug 26, 2021

Possible Technical Interview Questions

Hope to pass Technical interview by preparing answers for these questions.
Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

1 What is Ansible?

2 What is Ansible used for?

3 What is the latest version number of Ansible?

4 What are the versions of Ansible?

5 What are the advantages of using Ansible?

6 What can be done with Ansible?

7 What is Ansible Tower?

8 What is Ansible AWX?

9 What is the difference between Ansible Tower and Ansible AWX?

10 What are the minimum requirements to start using Ansible?

11 What is ansible command?

12 What are the options for ansible command?

13 What is ansible-playbook command?

14 What are the options for ansible-playbook command?

15 What is Ansible Inventory?

16 What is an Ansible Control Node?

17 What is Ansible Managed Node(s)?

18 What are Ansible Handlers?

19 What are Ansible Roles?

20 What are Ansible Modules?

21 What is Ansible Task?

22 What is Ansible Play?

23 What is Ansible Playbook?

24 What is Ansible Galaxy?

25 What is Ansible Plugin?



Satish Chhatpar

Looking for future team mates , Cloud Engineer, Python programming, Containerization, Orchestration